I’ve been working on the OpenID Shared Signals Framework from the very beginning, and before that on CAEP, which kicked off after my blog post dropped on the Google Cloud blog in February 2019. Our company, SGNL, has been at the forefront of driving CAEP and Shared Signals adoption, by launching caep.dev, a free, online CAEP Transmitter that is based on the Shared Signals Framework.
As a co-chair of the OpenID Shared Signals Working Group, and a co-author of the Shared Signals Framework, it was rewarding for me to see important public announcements from leading companies. Specifically, at the recently concluded Apple WWDC event, the new changes to Apple Business Manager made Shared Signals a requirement for integration with Custom Identity Providers (see slide at 17:53 of the video). Just this week, Okta announced that they will be integrating with Apple using Shared Signals.
I’ve already been part of well attended meetings with many large enterprises that plan to use CAEP internally, and I’m thrilled with the number of companies and the level of commitment I’ve seen. So it was especially rewarding to see the public announcements from Apple and Okta.
As CAEP and Shared Signals adoption grows, SGNL is already incorporating features into its platform to enable key use-cases using these standards. We would also like to announce two key features in this regard:
Open Source Receiver
You can now start receiving CAEP events using an open-source Shared Signals Receiver from SGNL. You can readily test your receiver implementation using the caep.dev Transmitter.
Logging in caep.dev
caep.dev users can now view logs of events they have posted to their receivers. They can see when an event was generated, all the times when it was polled, and when it was acknowledged.
Now is a great time to adopt and / or participate in the development of the CAEP, Shared Signals and RISC standards. Check out the working group home page to learn more. If you are already adopting CAEP and Shared Signals, be sure to use the caep.dev Transmitter to test your SSF Receivers.
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